Sep 29, 2009

Word It: The Fork in the Road

Ok, so after much brainstorming I have four main ideas that I am deciding between, and they are:

This one basically follows the idea of 'back to the drawing board' and it uses my Drawing Mannequin and my Eraser. I figured it was appropriate to use the drawing tools to convey a theme related to drawing and/or design. so yeah. there's one.

Number two focuses on the word 'drawback' - as if it was not horribly evident by the word 'drawback' written across the background of the image. I really like this image, but I feel as though it's a bit too blunt.

As for this third idea, I immediately think of 'Mr. Bluebird's on your shoulder', meaning happiness and joy... but what if that same symbol of joy stabbed you in the back? SO I really like this image as well, but how I would execute this scares me a bit... hmm. *things to ponder*

OK! sooo this one I didn't like at first, but it's beginning to grow on me. I kept dwelling on the 'stabbing in the back' idea... and then a little birdie happened to mention Rome that day, and connections were made in my brain. 'Et tu Brute' comes from Julius Caesar, if you didn't know and it embodies betrayal. So there's that idea as well...

I'm still in the thinking stages, so stay tuned for a more directional post later. :)

Sep 25, 2009

Dude, how sweet is this? ha

This is a new brand thing on
And I'm just saying, this stuff if pretty freakin' awesome for real.

And the whole collection...

For more pictures and info you can go here

Sep 23, 2009

Word It: The Beginnings

OK, well you get the honor of following me in my process of creating my next project. It's called 'Word It'... I was told to bring five items to class with me. I brought a drawing figurine (an anatomical model), a little bluebird doll, a glass Coke bottle, a large eraser and a flashlight.

So, now that we have those items, we have to devise an image the incorporates at least two of these items and the word of the month on Word IT ... which happens to be 'Back.' soo now I begin the brain storming. :) You'll be seeing pictures later.

Sep 18, 2009

Type A+

So, I am certainly a lover of type. I can't wait to get into typography and create my own lettering... I do it all the time with my markers or paint. It's a love I've had since I can remember. In high school I would write notes to my friends and they would be decorated, colorful and the lettering would often be quite impressive (if I do say so myself! ha).

I came across this thing on and it made me laugh because it said that I should certainly look into these things 'If you enjoy contemporary graphic design, typography and photography of the highest order (if your reading this blog I think you might)." It made me laugh because it's SO true!! So I just wanted you to be able to see that page.. and I think I'll share some of my lettering work (despite the age and poor execution you will see in some of them. Judge not because most of these were from high school.)

This is a sample of my awesome creativity! The left picture seen above is a "tattoo" I drew on Seth for fun, and although not so professional, I was quite proud of the type I came up with. ha
The second image is just a stencil I cut out. Although I didn't create the type myself, I modified it to fit my needs.

This is a project I did for fun my senior year. I loved letters, and wanted to do a project with them, but I couldn't choose just one way to do it. SO I just decided to do 26 panels with different styles in each one. The 'Y' is made out of Cherry Cordial Hershey's Kisses, the 'P' is made of fabric paint, the 'K' is colored in my song lyrics, aaaand the others are pretty cool and weird textures, but nothing out of the ordinary.

This last one was also for fun... I like music, and I like type. SO I combined them both on newpaper (which, again, is a great example of type as wel). Again, execution is a bit sloppy in places, and I tried to fit too many bands on the page which made it a bit crowded, but overall, I like it.

Hope you enjoyed a little look into my portfolio/thoughts. :)

Sep 16, 2009

That's Just Swell!

A simply "swell" design by Ruiz + Company that really caught my eye. I adore how the fruit is actually on the bottle, but without being set up in a still life. It's just so simple! That seems to be my new lesson:


Sep 14, 2009

Sep 13, 2009


So, I'm just saying... if I can make album art like this one day, I could die happy.

Spiffy Banana Designs...

Yep. I'm pretty much awed at the fact that these juice boxes look like bananas.

Sep 11, 2009

Nothing Special

I really have nothing great to say, I just found this masterpiece on and HAD to share it. Goodness how I love it.

Sep 10, 2009

Not Trying to Scare You...

Note the gorgeous bottle design above... I love bottles. They are pretty and I want to collect them So can I just say that I look forward to being legal drinking age so that I can collect said bottles without difficulty :)

I don't know what most of this even tastes like... but I want to own these bottles. Especially strangely shaped ones like the one above

So yeah... just like I said. I like bottles and I look forward to having them stashed away in a box somewhere. (PS. I got all of these from

Paradigm Shift?

As a general rule, I typically trust people and see good in them on an individual basis. However, when I think of people as a whole I think of self-absorbed, gratification-seeking, greedy human beings of the 21st century. Am I completely wrong? Our world is so driven by the here and now, money and getting higher up on the corporate ladder that we often miss the important things.

Not too long ago, in my graphic design class, my teacher asked us to write a little bit about our generation. I wrote that we are, in fact, selfish to the core. I typically think very negatively of people my age and I think perhaps I am too harsh.

Recently, my church hosted a benefit for my family.

Why? you ask. well... let me explain

In 2008 (shortly after graduation) I was in a car accident and broke my Calcaneus. That picture is not my Xray, however I can tell you that the little bone you see in the picture was broken into about 12 pieces and shifted to the outside of my foot... yeah, it was bad. I also broke three or four of my Metatarsals. So, yeah it was pretty bad. I was told that I would possibly not walk - or if I did it would be with a severe limp after months of therapy - NOT what I wanted to hear the summer before I had planned on going to college. To make a long story short, God answered a lot of prayers, I had surgery and healed well over the next few months - now walking quite well despite the constant pain in my right foot. The pain serves as a daily reminder of God's grace.

Shortly after this accident (still before I left for school) my dad lost his job. So now, my family is facing thousands of dollars in medical bills AND college tuition... not very fun. But, but the grace of God, I still went to school and made it through the year while my dad remained virtually jobless.

After the end of my first year of school, it seemed as though things were picking up, Dad was finding jobs to work for some money - enough to get by. But then he, too, had an accident. He broke his Tibia and the ball of his ankle. It was really bad. With his sudden injury and medical bills, my college tuition and remaining bills, and the lack of eligibility for government aide (because my dad couldn't work anymore)... we were in a bind.

So this brings us to the present... the benefit my church hosted.

Clearly our family was in need, but we didn't really feel worthy to recieve such a blessing - but despite our hesitation, the people of our congragation wanted to help. SO they did. Over 200 people showed up for this ice cream social and silent auction. It was wonderful, people came togehter and had fun, worked together for a selfless cause and showed God's love in wonderul ways. All the proceeds went to my family.

If that wasn't enough to knock my head around for thinking people are selfish, in addition to the monetary donation... I was given, that right GIVEN, a car. The 98 Nissan Altima that is parked outside is now mine thanks to 24 people who felt called to bless me with the very thing I'd been praying for. God works in amazing ways. Not only did He prove to me that His people are not evil, He showed me ONCE AGAIN that He is sovereign and will take care of His people (who are, again, not evil).

Praise God for everything He has done and will continue to do. Never doubt Him or the people He has created for they are in His image and have hearts despite the general perception of people.

Amen. ha

Sep 4, 2009

The Future's so Bright... I gotta build a bunker.

I really want you to watch this. I want you to realize where our technology is headed.

did you watch it? .. all 3 minutes and 53 seconds? ... ok.

Well, initially, I was pretty freakin' scared. This is FOR REAL. The game system is reading your tone of voice, your face and your body movements... tell me that's not a little weird. Did you see how Claire's reflection appeared in the pond? This game system is combining the real world with the gaming world. There is another video in the related video tab that presents this system in commercial form - it seems a lot less scary, friendly, even.

The idea of this system could be pretty cool - not gonna lie. But where will we go next? Have you SEEN iRobot? ... yeah. That's gonna be us. Maybe I'm overreacting about this whole game system thing. Maybe. Perhaps not.

In addition to this little advancement in technology, there is now talk of a mind-reader machine... officially known as a "thought identifier." scared yet?

If you're not... check this out:

Ok. again... our techonology is going to land us somewhere we don't want to be. The things people say are bad enough, why do we want to know the things that go on in their brains that remains unsaid? Do we really want to know what assosiations are made in their mind when the word 'hammer' flashes across the screen? Really?? ... I don't really know if I'm trying to make a point here, but I just wanted to share this. No, I wanted to warn you! ha. RUN! HIDE! Milo is coming for you and he wants to read your mind. haha